Marek's Moths

A record of moths and butterflies seen by our family

First sighting


Found loafing about. New record for our kitchen.

This new welcome page coincides with the release of a major site upgrade by my son and friend who have been working tirelessly in moving us to the latest technologies in web design.

It is now eight years since I began this project to pictorially record the moths from our garden and other places visited during our travels.

What began as a hobby for myself in retirement has spiralled somewhat into more of a family-wide project, as I would struggle now to continue without the help and support received from my wife and youngest son.

There have been a lot of moths under the pot since 2011 coupled together with several changes in the way we report and display our images, which utilise the vast improvements made within the field of photographic hardware and software.

As we catch most of our moths during the night in a trap, we have, from the onset, displayed our images on a grey background to keep them as uniform as possible.

We are only displaying images, therefore do not find the need to send moths away for dissection as those differences could never be seen in the pictures we produce. We do, however, send some of the photographs of scarcer moths to people with more expert knowledge for verification.

One of our greatest pleasures is recording moths in the field as by doing so we have explored some remarkable places and habitats where we return again and again.

Although we do our best with our own identifications, we cannot guarantee total accuracy, but endeavour with our increased knowledge and experience in rooting out any anomalies as and when we find them.

We welcome comments and advice from any visitors to our site and hope that maybe they will find what they are looking for, as I have with this hobby undertaken in my latter years.
